Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sneak Peek!!

What's up y'all? Here's a Sneak Peek into my Zebra Print/Monkey Theme 17-18 Classroom.

More to come later!!
I'm out!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Back At It Again!!

What's Up Y'all!!  Here I go again!! It has been too long since I have posted!! Let me see it has been exactly one year and 5 months since my last post.  I don't have a real excuse this time. I guess I just couldn't get back into blogging.  Hopefully, I will have some staying power this time.  
I am back in 3rd grade this year, but this time I will only be teaching math!! I am very excited about this!  I was able to get into my classroom to take some before pictures.  

To be continued...
I'm out!!