Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some Great Giveaways...

There are some great giveaways going on in blogland!! Stop by these wonderful ladies blogs and enter for a chance to win some great prizes

First up is Michelle over at Mrs. G's Kindergarten in HEELS

Next is Kathy over at Kathy's Coordinated Class

Finally Louanne over at My Kindergarten Kids
Go get in on the fun!!


  1. So glad you found my blog! I am now your newest follower! Thanks for the Info on giveaways! Happy Saturday:)

  2. Hey I just found your blog and am now following! Lovin' the giveaway links you provided! I would love it if you could hop on over to my blog when you get a chance!

    Jen @

  3. I love giveaways. Thanks for the info. I found your blog through another blog. Come visit us sometime for some freebies and ideas.
    Your newest follower, Stephanie

  4. Your blog is adorable! Thanks for visiting me. I am your newest follower and I look forward to reading more! Have a great day!

    First Grade with a Cherry on Top
