Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Made It and Back to School

This is going to be very quick because I am on my way out the door for my first official day of work!! But I had to take the time for another addition of Monday Made It with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics 
This time I made Library Basket Book Markers for the students to use while they are reading books from our classroom library. They will place their marker in the basket to hold the place of the book they are reading and then put the book back in the correct spot.

Well that's all for now!! I gotta go! Happy first day back to work to everyone starting back today!! Have a Marvelous Monday!!


  1. I love your book marks! I am having a giveaway--I would love to have you come by and vist1

    1. Thanks for stopping by! What a great idea for a giveaway!!

  2. SO cute!! I made some years ago (not near as cute as yours!) & now I'm thinking I need to re- do them. Thanks for the inspiration & hope you had a GREAT first day !! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Thank you! It was a teacher workday!! I really don't feel like I accomplished anything today! Tomorrow is meet the teacher from 5:30-7:00. The morning is reserved for meetings. I need to focus tomorrow to tie up a lot of loose ends, because Wed & Thurs in PD days!!
