Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Writing Pack FREEBIE!! and about to reach 200 Followers!!

Seasons Greeting Friends!! Can you believe it is already December!! This is my absolute favorite time of the year!!!  I love seeing all of the holiday decorations and lights. I will begin my unit on Gingerbread next week and Christmas Around the World.  

Oh yeah!! Before I forget, I am about to reach 200 followers soon.  So that means it is time for a GIVEAWAY!!! Who doesn't love a giveaway!!  I am seeking the help of all of my blogging buddies!! If you are interested in being apart of my giveaway shoot me an email:  to let me know you want to celebrate with me!!!  

To show my excitement for the holiday season and to say thanks to all of my followers here is a Holiday Writing Pack FREEBIE... Click on the picture to grab a copy!!

Have a Super Sunday!!!!


  1. Congrats!!! I can't imagine 200 - I just hit 100 and am over the moon!! I just sent you an email about your giveaway! Have a fabulous Sunday!!
