Saturday, March 30, 2013

T.G.I.S.B.. and a Literacy Walk

Thank God It's Spring Break!!
My Spring Break is finally here! I am laying in bed still in my pj's as I type this post!! What a great feeling, of not having to get up if I don't want to! I have so much I want to get done to include rest and relaxation.

We had a literacy walk at our school on Thursday.  This is where each class takes a literary or informational text book and have students create some kind of response to the book. Then create a display board about the book.  Classes walked by to see each display and the students left comments about what they liked about each display.
Last year we did The Gingerbread Man...
But this year we did...
I had the story playing on cd player as each class walked by.
I had my firsties respond to the writing prompt
"If I Was The Old Lady I Would Swallow..."
They also added a rhyming words twist to it!
Here is how they turned out! Too cute...
Well that is all for now.  I am off to begin enjoying my SB...I am working on a few things and will be back soon to share...I'm out!!
Have a Sensational Saturday!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted...It's a Linky

Hello Friends... It's that time again...I am linking up with Latoya at Flying Into First Grade for her 
Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party
This week it's 
The NOUN Game.
To play the noun game, you name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal. 
My favorite person is my ex-husband...We have finally got to a place where we are now best friends...WOW!! I never thought I would be able to say that...Growth is good!

My all time favorite place is Germany.  It is such a beautiful country and they have the most beautiful castles.  I spent three years there during my Army days. I want to go back one day or maybe go over there and teach for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS).

My favorite thing is my new iPad.  It think it was a great investment.  I have already created a few fonts and have started two more...I'm glad I purchased it!

I really don't have a favorite.  But if I did it would be this little guy...Isn't he the cutest? 
I want oneeeeeeeee!! 
This precious thing is called a Bichon Frise
Well those are my favorite nouns in a nutshell. 
Now it's your turn.  Go link up!!
I'm off to bed!! Good night folks!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Made a Font!...And My Lie Revealed

Look what I got!!!

 I am like a kid in a candy store! I gave myself another birthday present! Yes, I know my birthday was over 19 days ago, but oh well it's all about me!!
Now look at what I made! 
Sorry for the glare on the picture!! I didn't feel like retaking!!
I created my own handwriting font!! It was super easy to make like everyone has been saying.  It's not the best or nothing super fancy, but keep in mind I was just practicing and I wanted to keep the very first one I made so I can show my growth as I get better at it.
Just click on each font name if you want a copy.  I have not learned how to create a zip file so I can put them in my TN store or just link the actual is a work in progress...anywho
This one is called: 
This is what it looks like when you type
This one is called:

If you like my fonts feel free to use them in anything and everything!! If you would like to give credit just put:
 font by: Crystal @ Ms. Jones' Junction

Now on to my lie! I fooled many of you because I do have 4 children!!! My ex-husband had two children from his previous marriage and his oldest son lived with us for three years.  Fooled ya didn't I!

I spent 9 years in the army from 1986 to 1995 and learned how to shoot an M16 rifle and drive a Humvee (which is a large military vehicle in case some of you didn't know what it was-like a Hummer but not as fancy!!lol

So my lie is that I play the piano!! Never played in my life-but it is on my bucket list to learn how to play...I don't know how that is going to go because I am terrible at reading music...I had such a hard time learning how to play the recorder when I had to take a music class for my degree...yes that is my secret shame.  Well people...I'm off to do whateva!! No big plans!! Enjoy your weekend! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Two Truths and a Lie...

I can never tell a lie! 

Do you see my nose growing like Pinnochio's!! Well today I get to tell a lie and get away with it...let me explain!  
I am linking up with LaToya from: 
For her... Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party.  This week it is: 2 Truths and a Lie
This is how it works...Think of three things about yourself or your life.  Make 2 of the things the truth and 1 a lie.  So here goes...

Three things about Me

1.  I have 4 children...3 boys and a girl.
2.  I started taking piano lessons when I was a little girl and am now an experienced pianist, I  play for my church and I teach lessons every Saturday.
3.  I know how to drive a Humvee and how to shoot an M16 Rifle...I earned a Sharpshooter Badge when I was in the military.

Try to guess my lie and leave a comment telling which statement you think is a lie.  I will blog about my untruth at the end of the week.  Good Luck! I'm going to see if I can guess a few lies.  Head on over to Latoya's blog to join in on the fun!!
Have a Magnificent Monday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Spring Break Bucket List...Linky Party

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Friends!!
Although I am not on Spring Break yet,  I had to link up with Brigid, over at:
For a Spring Break Bucket List Linky Party.
My spring break doesn't officially start until April 1 and boy I can't wait!! So I created my bucket list for what I plan to do while on spring break.
Graphics courtesy of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs and  My Cute Graphics
Will I actually get all this done? We shall see! What are your plans for your spring break? Go link with Brigid to share your plans. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! I'm off to finish grading and complete my report cards!!
Have a Super Sunday!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mrs. Dwyer's A+ Firsties Blog Birthday!!

Tanya over at A+ Firsties is celebrating her 1st  blog birthday with a great giveaway! 

She is such a sweet blogger and shares some great ideas and products.  Tanya is also close to reaching 500 followers on her blog and Facebook page.  
Here's what you could win:

Winner #1 will receive a $25.00 gift certificate to TeacherspayTeachers.
Winner #2 will receive their choice of any 3 items from her TPT store.
Winner # 3 will receive any 1 item of their choice from her TPT store and a custom decorated clipboard created by one of her very first blog followers, Amanda!
Go show Tanya some blog love and enter her giveaway for a chance to win some awesome prizes and celebrate with her!
Have a Super Saturday!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Making Words With Lucky The Leprechaun

I created a St. Patrick's Day making words mini activity pack.  I wanted to give my students extra practice making words, using the words Leprechaun and Saint Patrick's Day.  This is a quick center activity to allow extra practice and reinforce this skill.  It has been uploaded to my Teachers Notebook store and is only $2.
The first three people to leave a comment will get this making words pack for free...
Have a Marvelous Monday!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Writing Pack...FREEBIE

Hello Friends,
Just dropping in to share my "St. Patrick's Day Writing Pack" with you.  It has several writing prompts and blank pages to choose from. If you would like a copy just click on the picture below...
Just show some blog love by leaving a comment if you grab a copy.  I'm off to work on my lesson plans, grade papers and do a little shopping later on.  As always, thanks for your support.
Have a Super Sunday!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Heartfelt Thanks and Blogs by State

This post is going to be short and sweet!!
I would like to send a heartfelt thanks for all my bloggy buddies who celebrated my birthday with me!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!  Your kind words and  birthday wishes really made my day!!! I continue to be amazed by the kindness of my fellow teachers across the country! THANK YOU!!!

I am linking up with Diane from Fifth in the Middle 
To Rep My State:
Roll Call!! SC bloggers!! Where you at?
Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's My Birthday!! Come Celebrate!

Happy Birthday To Me!
I am giving away the store!
Anyone that leaves a comment today will get to select any item that you would like from my TN store.  Just shoot me an email at: 
Telling me what you would like and I will send it to you.
I am also having a sale in my store.  All items will be 49 50% off until Saturday, March 9, 2013!  
My birthday present to myself is a day off and this baby:
Yes, I know that I am obsessing over the Cameo!! 
But it's my birthday and I can do what I want!! : )

Have a Marvelous Monday!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Currently....and I Won!!!

Can you believe that it is already March? March is my second favorite month of the year because it is my birthday month and spring is right around the corner!! So, I am linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for the March Currently!
Have you heard Tamar Braxton's new song "Love and War"? I am absolutely L-O-V-I-N-G it!! In case you don't know who she is, think Toni Braxton...Yes, that is her little sister!! She is an absolute DIVA and everything she says has "" after it!!

Loving that I only have 20 days school days before my spring break and 60 days before the end of the school year!! Can you say rest and relaxation!! WoooHooo!!

 I'm thinking that I can't wait until summer because I will have so much more time to devote to creating products for my Teachers Notebook store...I have all of these ideas rolling around in my head and I have to get them out.

Wanting Fed Ex to hurry up and get here to bring me my Silhouette Cameo...I broke down and used part of my income tax money to buy me one.  I was so jealous last summer when everyone else was blogging about theirs.   I am so excited and can't wait to use it!!! You know I will show it off when it finally arrives...STAY!

Needing a full body massage...I fell in the shower on Monday...imagine one leg still in the tub and one leg out the tub (split) I hit the side of the tub and landed right on the crack(TMI) middle of my not cool!! It still hurts...I think it is sprained because it still hurts so bad to sit down.  I am also in desperate need of a pedicure.

I like cheesecake...sure wish I had a NY Cheesecake Factory store here in SC...will be getting one of those cheesecakes with the large strawberries on top from Sam's for my birthday... Have you tried it?...sinfully delish!
Love the's in the mail...
I hate chaos...still dealing with it in my spare bedroom and my storage closet at school... every time I straighten them up I make more of a mess trying to find something...I need to stop the madness! 

I won Liz's from Polka Dot Firsties 100 Follower Giveaway!!! Check out what I won...

If you need some digraph and vowel y practice for your littles go check out her packets....Thanks Liz!!

I'm Out!!! Have a Super Saturday!!