Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Made a Font!...And My Lie Revealed

Look what I got!!!

 I am like a kid in a candy store! I gave myself another birthday present! Yes, I know my birthday was over 19 days ago, but oh well it's all about me!!
Now look at what I made! 
Sorry for the glare on the picture!! I didn't feel like retaking!!
I created my own handwriting font!! It was super easy to make like everyone has been saying.  It's not the best or nothing super fancy, but keep in mind I was just practicing and I wanted to keep the very first one I made so I can show my growth as I get better at it.
Just click on each font name if you want a copy.  I have not learned how to create a zip file so I can put them in my TN store or just link the actual is a work in progress...anywho
This one is called: 
This is what it looks like when you type
This one is called:

If you like my fonts feel free to use them in anything and everything!! If you would like to give credit just put:
 font by: Crystal @ Ms. Jones' Junction

Now on to my lie! I fooled many of you because I do have 4 children!!! My ex-husband had two children from his previous marriage and his oldest son lived with us for three years.  Fooled ya didn't I!

I spent 9 years in the army from 1986 to 1995 and learned how to shoot an M16 rifle and drive a Humvee (which is a large military vehicle in case some of you didn't know what it was-like a Hummer but not as fancy!!lol

So my lie is that I play the piano!! Never played in my life-but it is on my bucket list to learn how to play...I don't know how that is going to go because I am terrible at reading music...I had such a hard time learning how to play the recorder when I had to take a music class for my degree...yes that is my secret shame.  Well people...I'm off to do whateva!! No big plans!! Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. Your fonts are so cute! Isn't that font app addicting!!! :)

    Third Grade All Stars

    1. Thanks Tracey!! It is very addicting. I started another one last night.

  2. Wow, Crystal. Nice job on the fonts!!

    You sure tricked me on your fib! That was a fun linky, wasn't it?


    1. Hi Jill,
      Thanks Jill! I will dabble for a bit and create a few more!

      I tricked most of the people who responded, because I only mention two children in my about me! ; )
