Monday, May 20, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party!!

Hello Friends... It's that time again...I am linking up with Latoya at Flying Into First Grade for her... 
Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

Topic: Meet 2 of my Bloggy Friends

Such a great idea!  Well this was sort of hard because I have met and become friends with so many sweet bloggers and didn't want to leave any one out...

1.   Corinna  from Teaching Fabulous Firsties

Corinna and I started on this blogging journey at about the same time.  She has been such a sweet bloggy friend. She left a sweet "just because" email and attached one of her great units...that made my day. I am so glad that I can call her a friend!!

2. Cindy from Granny Goes to School

Cindy started blogging a little after me but has taken the blog world by storm. She is so awesome and generous!  She started visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful comments.  I am so in awe of her talents and just love her craftivities.  I am thrilled that we have become blogging buddies!

I want to send a special shout out to a new blogging friend.
Karen from An Apple a Day in First Grade
We became buddies through the Blogs by State Linky.  Karen always makes it her business to leave a comment on my blog.  We have some things in common: we both teach in the wonderful state of South Carolina, we are both working on our masters, and we both started blogging in July 2012.  She also shares such wonderful ideas on her blog. 
Now it is your turn. Go stop by LaToya's blog Flying into First Grade and link up.
Have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. You made my day girl! Thanks for the sweet shout out! Here's to 8 more days!!!!!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. Hi Karen,
      Glad I was able to make your day!! Yes, I am seriously counting down now!!

  2. Aren't you just a doll!!! I am so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and become blogging buddies! You made my day my friend! :)

    Granny Goes to School

    1. I am so glad we have become friends!! Miss you, but I know your are having a blast on your vacay!! You guys get out of school real early! Enjoy yourself!

  3. Awwww! You made my day! You will always be a special bloggy buddy to me. I'm glad we're virtual team members! :o)
    ♥Teaching Fabulous Firsties!♥

    1. Hey Girlie!! I'm glad I was able to put a smile on your face! We still need to come up with a great idea!! When I start my vacation next week I'll have more time to focus on it!

  4. Hi Crystal!

    I was absolutely ecstatic when I saw your message/comment to me on my new blog! I am so happy to have found you again and I look forward to being back and blogging my little (big) heart out!


  5. I can so much relate with you guys. I have had this client who doesn’t want to give up on me even though I have had several reasons to quit from my blogging job. I told him I can’t do my responsibilities anymore because of some errands, but he just responded with a lot of offers to keep me with his company.
