Saturday, May 4, 2013

May Currently!!!

Is it just me or does time seem to be flying zooming by?  Can you believe it is already May? It seems like I just did the April Currently!  I am linking up again with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her... 
Monthly Currently

I am listening to Scandal as I type this.  This is my show-I cannot believe that I fell asleep on Thursday and missed it-so I had to watch it On Demand...I must have been very tired!

Don't get me wrong...I love teaching...but right now I am loving even more the fact that I only have 20 days left until my summer VACATION begins.  I am seriously in countdown mode!!

I know that advancing my education is a great thing...but I am thinking that I can't wait until I am done.  I have been working nonstop since I started on my Master's in Administration and Supervision last February(2012).  Each week there is some kind of project or paper is KILLING draining me...this is why I have no extra time to blog or create new items for my class or TN store the way that I want to.

I am so wanting to be able to sleep in, lounge around the house, BBQ, hop in the car and head to Myrtle Beach or Virginia Beach, and just hang out with my family and friends.

Some of my kiddos are out of control...I am needing to keep my sanity these last few days of school.  Does anyone else have those students that are ODD and ADHD?  Well, I have two that are just trying my patience and working my nerves to no end!!  

So needless to say my Summer Bucket List is not very long at all.  I plan to 1. Relax-it will be a drama/stress free summer. 2. Have fun all summer long.  3. Create new and fun common core products for my classroom and TN store.  4. Relax some more!!!

Now it's your turn...Head on over to Farley's blog and link up!

Have a Superb Saturday!


  1. Hey Ms. Crystal, girl I feel your pain, I have 3 add students (two medicated) and 1 odd, and oh my world they are all over the place right now as well as some of my other students, I think they have ALL checked out. I love them to pieces, but it's time for summer. I am just trying to keep my sanity right now :)32 days left.

  2. Hey Mrs. Wright,
    I am with you on that!!
