Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Monday Made It on Tuesday and Two Amazing Giveaways!!

It's Monday Tuesday again and that means it is time for Tara's...
I missed last weeks edition, but hope to participate every week until school starts back.  We'll see how that goes...
My first made it... is for my classroom computers...the mouse pads were old and ugly and looked like this:
well with a little fabric and ribbon...
I ended up with this...
My next made it... is something very simple that I created to hold our Box Tops that we collect.  I used a 20 oz empty can of Planters Peanuts...and some wood grain contact paper from the Dollar Tree...I wrapped the contact paper around the can and cut a circular piece for the lid...

Then I wrapped ribbon around the top and bottom of the can...and put on the "Wanted...Box Tops" labels I made...

Well those are my two made its for the week...I'll be back next week with some more goodies!!

Now I want to tell you about two A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Giveaways:

The first is from one of my Bloggy Buddies...Sara over at Miss V's Busy Bees  is celebrating her one year Blog-a-versary!!! She is having a six day celebration.  Yesterday was day five which I am a part of. I am giving away two items from my TN store. You don't want to miss this and it is not too late to enter.  Go on over and Celebrate with her

The amazing Kristina over at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge is celebrating her 2 Blog-a-versary with an incredibly wicked giveaway...go check it out you won't be disappointed...

Well that's all folks...Have a Terrific Tuesday!! 
If you are a follower, please be sure to click the link below to  begin following on Blog Lovin... Thanks!!


  1. Love those mouse pads Crystal! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  2. Love the two projects! So much better than the before images :)

    Mind Sparks

    1. Hey Katie,
      Thank you! These projects were actually on my to do list last year, but I never got around to it...So we went a whole year without mouse pads. I kept the boxtops in a baggie. They will come in handy!!

  3. I could scream! I just threw away my old mouse pads because they looked so bad. Now I wish I had kept them:( Definitely keeping those in mind for later. Thanks for sharing!!!

    The Busy Busy Hive

    1. Awwwww...Doesn't that make you mad!! You can still pick up some cheap ones from the Dollar Tree and make them look cute with a little fabric and ribbon or craft paper...

  4. Awesome Crystal! Thanks for sharing...I really like the box top idea :)

