Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Made It and Classroom Pictures Day 3

What's Up Y'all?  It's Monday and I'm linking up with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics for her...

I made over a raggedy book shelf of mine that a friend fixed for me after a parent sat on it last year.  What would possess her to think that a little old shelf would make a great seat...needless to say it did not hold her...

 I cannot believe I went all year with this shelf looking like this...smh
I used red duct tape on the top and around the edges...
 A few minutes new...a very nice improvement...
It looks so much better!!
Day 3
  I went in last Thursday, but they were touching up the wax in the hallway and I couldn't get in my room. I was able to get a little bit more done in my room today.  
Now for a few more pictures.
 My made over shelf with the group book boxes.

This is where students will put there H.O.R.S.E Books.

 Student Work Display Board.

 Classroom Library with books...still have to put my tables in there.

 Leveled Texts

Classroom Library

I still have a lot more to do!! 
I'm Out!! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Classroom Pictures Day 1 and Day 2!

What's Up Y'all??  I only have 16 days left of my summer vacation!!! I go back on Aug. 12th.  I finally had time to get into my classroom and start setting up for back-to-school.  I only needed to arrange my furniture because my bulletin boards will stay the same.  This is what I have been able to accomplish since Monday and Tuesday.  I didn't go yesterday because I started a new class and had some reading to do and a paper to write before class.

Day 1-I was able to get most of the furniture put back where it belongs.  My classroom is small so I don't have many options of how to put my furniture.

 My behavior clip chart.
 I will put red duct tape around the edge of the bookshelf because it is so raggedy. The shelf on the other side of the Smartboard already has some.
I may redo my class rules...I did not number them!!

 View from the middle of the classroom.
 View from the front of the room.
Classroom library setup so far.

Day 2-I put the computers back and arranged the rest of the desks, my small group area and meeting area.

 This is the Deputy of the Week Board.

Today I will finish up the classroom arrangement.  Hook the computers up and attempt to clean out my closet.  That is a daunting task all by itself!

I'm Out!!! Have a Thrilling Thursday!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted: Advice for New Teachers

What's up Y'all!! I'm back!! I had an absolutely F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S time visiting family and friends in Virginia.  I am relaxed and well rested. It is almost time to get back into the grind of work.  I will start going into my classroom to begin to get ready for back to school.  Where oh where has my summer gone???

Well it's Sunday again and of course time for Toya's from Flying into First Grade
 Let's Get Acquainted Linky

Topic:  Advice for New Teachers
Here is My Advice

Don't get into the habit of always buying unnecessary things.  Limit your purchases to items that you will use on a consistent basis and serves a beneficial purpose.

Never go into a new school thinking that you are a know-it-all.  Always be open to suggestions!! Listen when someone recommends that you try something a different way especially if they way you tried did not work.  Don't take it personally and think that people are criticizing you.

No matter what you do or what happens...never, ever, ever...let them see you sweat.  Mistakes will be made, but just pick yourself up and keep it movin!!

Find yourself some comfortable will need them.  Very rarely will you have time to sit down.  You will be on your feet all day.  But if you must where heels like I do sometimes keep a pair of flats under your desk.  They will come in handy!!

Make the most of your time.  It is going to be very important to use your time wisely.  You must be organized and prepared at all times.  Don't socialize in the teacher's lounge during your planning or after school...use that time to prepare for the next day, do your lesson plans, or analyze your data to drive your instruction.

The last piece of advice that I can give to all new teachers is to be YOURSELF.  Never pretend to be someone that your are not.  People will see right through that!!  Be genuine and sincere in your actions and deeds and you won't go wrong.

Now it's your turn!! Go link up with Toya... and drop some science on these new teachers!!!
I'm out!!! Have a Sensational Sunday!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blog-a-versary Winner and Vacation!!

What's Up Y'all.  I still cannot believe that I have actually been blogging for 1 year!! It has really been a great experience.  Thank you to all of my followers and blogging friends for your support.  As I continue on this journey I look forward to connecting with even more great educators.
Well without further ado...the winner of my 1st Blog-a-versary Giveaway is #50 Kristi Kelly Haggard!!! Congratulations Kristi for being the winner of my Teachers Notebook Shop!
 Thank you to everyone who entered!!

I finally get to take we a weeks vacation!! WooooHooooo!!! Virginia Beach HERE I COME!!! LOL...can you tell that I am excited.  I have worked so hard this past month and a half...I have a brain cramp! Looking forward to spending with time with my family and two good friends that I haven't seen in years!! 
This is all I wanna see...

A friend of mine took this picture at a beach in Melbourne, FL early Tuesday morning...
I'm Out!! Have a Thrilling Thursday!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

What's Up Y'all!!! Happy Sunday!! That means it's time for Toya's over at Flying into First Grade
Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party
This weeks topic is ...
My Favorite Teacher
Tell about your favorite teacher and explain why...
Share a memory or two...

I went to catholic school from third grade to six grade when I grew up in Bronx, NY.  I remember going to St. Pius V.   Most of the nuns believe or not were so very mean.  But there were several teachers who were not nuns.  My favorite teacher was my third grade teacher... Now keep in mind this is 1973...I am nine years old...OMG...that was so long ago...I am dating myself...Her name was Mrs. Cleary and she was not a nun...thank goodness.  I remember it always being so calm and peaceful in the classroom.   She was a very sweet and caring teacher.  She was also very patient and kind.  She never raised her voice or made you feel bad for not knowing the answer or understanding the material.  One thing I remember always being the tallest girl in the classroom.  So that should help you find my picture...That is my best friend standing next to me with the glasses on who I will finally see this Friday!!

Now it's your turn...go link up with Toya to tell us about your favorite teacher...

Don't forget about my 1st Blogaversary Giveaway which ends in 3 days....Go here to enter for a chance to win everything in my TN shop and anything else I make until the end of the year!!!
I'm Out!! Have a Super Sunday!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Blogaversary!!

What's Up Y'all.  Well it's of yesterday my blog turned 1 years old!! I can't believe it! I never thought that blogging would be something that I would be interested in.  I even said that I would never do it!! NEVER say NEVER!!  I have met (virtually)so many wonderful educators across the US...that is truly amazing to me!  I want to thank each and every follower and those who I have forged a special bond know who you are!!!  If any of you ever need any assistance in any way...don't hesitate to ask!

To celebrate I am having a simple giveaway...
no horns...
One lucky winner will win all the items in my Teachers Notebook store.  They will also receive any new items that I make until Dec. 31, 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Two of my Blogging Besties are also celebrating their 1st Blogaversary:
My Girl Corinna over at Teaching Fabulous Firsties and Second Grade Smarties...Go show her some  blog love...


 Tracey over at Third Grade Allstars is also having a giveaway
  she's giving away the store too...Go enter this fantastic giveaway!!
I'm Out!!  Have a Thrilling Thursday

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Currently and Giveaway Winners!

What's up Y'all!!  
You know what time it is...
Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade 
monthly currently!
I am listening to (previewing) Donell Jones new album Forever which drops tomorrow 7/9...luv me some Donell Jones.

Loving that I will he heading to Virginia next week...Virginia Beach here I come...will spend some time with my parents and see all my family.  One of my very best friends who I grew up with in the Bronx is coming to visit too...she moved away to Massachusetts when we were in the 7th much to catch up on...can't wait to see her!! I also get an extra bonus of seeing that special someone...old flame...will it ignite...wish me

Speaking of VA...I will be relocating there in 2014...I am thinking that I am ready to go now, but I have to wait until I finish up my Mater's Program in Administration and Supervision (trying to be a I CR-A-Z-EE)  almost done...beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel-pray for me yall.

I'm wanting another month of summer vacay...because June zoomed by...I did not accomplish anything that I had much to do so little time!!

Needing to finish the rest of my assignments for class...two more practicum write ups with reflection paper, 2 more papers, Final Practicum reflection and a final exam...last day of class 7/10...will have a one week break then I begin a new one......I finished my law class last you see how I have spent my summer.

My tip... Don't take it personally!!  When it comes to blogging or selling on TPT/TN don't take it personally when people don't post a comment on your blog or don't  leave feedback on a product that you made.  Remember why you are doing it...focus on the positive things that you have gotten out of it.

Now it's your turn...go link up with Farley and get your July Currently on...

The winners of my Bloglovin' Giveaway are...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm out!! Have a Marvelous Monday!!