Thursday, July 25, 2013

Classroom Pictures Day 1 and Day 2!

What's Up Y'all??  I only have 16 days left of my summer vacation!!! I go back on Aug. 12th.  I finally had time to get into my classroom and start setting up for back-to-school.  I only needed to arrange my furniture because my bulletin boards will stay the same.  This is what I have been able to accomplish since Monday and Tuesday.  I didn't go yesterday because I started a new class and had some reading to do and a paper to write before class.

Day 1-I was able to get most of the furniture put back where it belongs.  My classroom is small so I don't have many options of how to put my furniture.

 My behavior clip chart.
 I will put red duct tape around the edge of the bookshelf because it is so raggedy. The shelf on the other side of the Smartboard already has some.
I may redo my class rules...I did not number them!!

 View from the middle of the classroom.
 View from the front of the room.
Classroom library setup so far.

Day 2-I put the computers back and arranged the rest of the desks, my small group area and meeting area.

 This is the Deputy of the Week Board.

Today I will finish up the classroom arrangement.  Hook the computers up and attempt to clean out my closet.  That is a daunting task all by itself!

I'm Out!!! Have a Thrilling Thursday!!


  1. Your classroom looks great! Love all the built in storage cabinets you have in your classroom. I am in a portable and have very little storage space.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

    1. Hey Shelly,
      Thank you!! I hope to be able to get everything that I want to get done completed!!

  2. Hi Crystal! I am trying to get back to blogging and popped in to say hi..:)Your room looks fantastic so far...I wish I could get in mine now. Your Reading Ranch sign is adorable...:) I am moving back to my old school and will be teaching kindergarten this year so I am looking forward to looking for awesome ideas from fellow primary teachers. I'll be visiting again soon...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Keep Calm & Imagine

    1. Hi Vicky,
      So glad you stopped by!! How exciting to be teaching kindergarten. There are some awesome kindergarten blogs out there!!

  3. I really like the way you arranged your desk. I start back on the 12th, too. We haven't been granted permission to work in our rooms yet.


    1. Thanks Yashika,
      I am so glad that I have been able to get in. This is the first time that I have been able to get in this early. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh my word... your room is darling!!!! All that hard work is paying off. Hmm, I think it might be time for a margarita! Enjoy your Friday.

    Granny Goes to School
