Tuesday, July 17, 2012

ClassroomTheme, Communication Binder, Ladybug Theme Packet Freebie and Another Award...

I will be doing a Western Theme in my classroom this school year, as I stated in my very first post.  I have been busy creating some theme printables and trying to decide which Communication Binder acronym to use.  I created a S.H.E.R.I.F.F (Students Have Everything Ready in Fabulous First-Grade) Book, and started the W.E.S.T.E.R.N. (Weekly & Everyday Skills To Easily Review Notes), and there is still the H.O.R.S.E. (Happy and Organized Ready Students Everyday) and the R.O.D.E.O. (Really Organized Details Everyday & Ongoing) Books.  I will make one of each and which ever one I like the best will be the one I use.  I also made a M.O.N.K.E.Y. Book, in honor of my old theme.  (I am finding it so hard to let go of my Monkey/Jungle theme.)  These printables are powerpoint documents and are editable so you can type whatever information you need in each. I have uploaded the S.H.E.R.I.F.F & M.O.N.K.E.Y. Book Covers to my TN store:

I will also be creating other theme packets.  The first theme packet that I have created is a Ladybug Theme.  This is also in my TN store as a freebie:



I have also received my 2nd Award!! Can you believe it? This time it is the Liebster Award!! From two three different bloggers at that!!
Thank you so much, Holly over at Fourth Grade FlipperKelly over at An Apple For the Teacher and Mrs. H. over at Just a Primary Girl.  

This award is named for the German word "Liebster," which translates to "beloved" or "favourite", and is given to a "new, up and coming blogger."

Here are the rules:
1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you. Post the award to your blog.
3.  Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers
4.  Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
I am giving the award to:

Now I am off to write a paper for my graduate class.  Always so much to do and so little time!!
Be back soon!


  1. Your ladybug packet is precious!

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Thanks for stopping by. I love all of your work too!!

  2. What a cute blog! Too bad I'm doing owls not ladybugs! =) Thanks for stopping by to see me at owlroom.blogspot.com!

    1. Hi Susan,
      I fell in love with those ladybugs when I saw them and had to make that set. Just So Scrappy Too has a cute kit also that I I am going to get to make a different LB set which I will sell on my TN Shop.

  3. Your blog is cute! The packets you are working on are awesome:) I'm a newbie to the blogging word also. Please check out my blog.

    1. Hi Carole,
      Thanks for stopping by! Luv your blog and became a follower.

  4. Thanks! Your blog is adorable! One of my team members is doing an outdoor theme and your ladybugs might fit in perfectly. I'll have to direct her your way! :)

    ★ First-Graders from Outer Space ★

    1. You are welcome! I appreciate you telling your team member about my packet!!

  5. Yee haw! Love the theme and congrats on your award!!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  6. We can't wait to keep reading more from your blog! Thanks for checking us out as well, we're your newest followers!

    1. Hi Jayme and Val,
      Thanks!! Luv your blog!!

  7. Thanks for the award. I am your newest blog follower. Have a great year! :)

  8. I also gave you the Liebster award! I LOVE your polka dot stuff - so cute! Come be a new follower! at http://justaprimarygirl.blogspot.com

  9. You have SUCH a cute blog. I found you through your post on 2nd Grade Shenanigans since I'm an SC blogger too :)

    Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway.

  10. Glad I found your blog - love it!! :) I teach kindergarten in South Carolina - Pawleys Island (between Charleston and Myrtle Beach on the coast!) Hope to meet you at the Bloggy Meet-up!
    My Kindergarten Kids

  11. Hey there!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Congrats on all your new awards! I'm YOUR newest follower... ;)

    Sweeties In Second
