Saturday, July 21, 2012

Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop

I am really loving this blogging thing, so I am linking up with Janis over at Grade Three is the Place for Me.  She is hosting a blog hop for newbie bloggers!! I just had to join the fun!!  This is such a great way for new bloggers to network and get to know who else is out there.  
Here are the questions and my answers: 

What state are you in? 
I am in South Carolina.

Your current teaching position?
I teach first grade.

Your teaching experience?
This is my tenth year teaching, nine of which have been in 1st grade and one year in second.

When did you start blogging?
I just start blogging July 2012.

Share a blogging tip/blogging resource.
I could not figure why my labels were not showing up. Labels are used to help blog visitors easily find a topic.  So I went to the help menu and typed in labels and it explained how to do it.  When you are creating a new post-look on the right hand side you will see post settings-labels is the first menu option click on it and type it what you your topic was for your blog etc.  For example, if I am posting about writing then I will type in "writing" in the label section-easy right.  Well I just learned how to do it today!!  ;  )


  1. I'm glad you joined my first blog hop! It's been fun to connect with so many different teachers. I love your blog design! It's very festive. I bet your classroom is, too!

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

  2. I'm glad I found you on the blog hop. I need to link up :)

    One Class, One Sound

  3. Hello! I am a new follower. Isn't this blog hop the greatest? I just love meeting other teachers!

    Mrs. B's Nook

  4. Hi Crystal...I love your blog and am now a follower. I have nominated you for an award. Please hop over to my blog and pick it up.
    Adventures In Teaching

  5. Just found you through the blog hop and am now following you! Your blog is so cute! I'd love it if you'd come take a look at mine!

    Mrs. A's Room

  6. You found me. Now we both follow each other... Now I have nominated YOU for an award... Hop back over and claim it!
    Hoppin in First Grade

  7. I just found your blog through the newbie blog hop and I am your newest follower!! It is so cute!! I would love for you to visit when you have a chance.

    Mrs. Wood's Class

  8. Hi Crystal!

    Thanks for checking out our blog and becoming a follower! We are both happy to be your newest followers!!

    Lauren and Jeanine

    Lauren and Jeanine's Creative Corner
