Friday, May 31, 2013

Last Day Hooray!!

It's My Last Day of School...A teacher work day at that!  I just need to fill out my classroom inventory, update student records and attempt to clean out my closet and I will be done!!

It's time for rest and relaxation and unplanned road trips!!

I will be back later today to post some pictures of our last days of school!

Have a Fabulous Friday!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party!!

Hello Friends... It's that time again...I am linking up with Latoya at Flying Into First Grade for her... 
Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

Topic: Meet 2 of my Bloggy Friends

Such a great idea!  Well this was sort of hard because I have met and become friends with so many sweet bloggers and didn't want to leave any one out...

1.   Corinna  from Teaching Fabulous Firsties

Corinna and I started on this blogging journey at about the same time.  She has been such a sweet bloggy friend. She left a sweet "just because" email and attached one of her great units...that made my day. I am so glad that I can call her a friend!!

2. Cindy from Granny Goes to School

Cindy started blogging a little after me but has taken the blog world by storm. She is so awesome and generous!  She started visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful comments.  I am so in awe of her talents and just love her craftivities.  I am thrilled that we have become blogging buddies!

I want to send a special shout out to a new blogging friend.
Karen from An Apple a Day in First Grade
We became buddies through the Blogs by State Linky.  Karen always makes it her business to leave a comment on my blog.  We have some things in common: we both teach in the wonderful state of South Carolina, we are both working on our masters, and we both started blogging in July 2012.  She also shares such wonderful ideas on her blog. 
Now it is your turn. Go stop by LaToya's blog Flying into First Grade and link up.
Have a Marvelous Monday!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Playing In and Eating Dirt!!

Did your parents used to tell you "Don't play in dirt?" Mine sure did!!  Well, my kiddos had a blast playing in dirt.  One of our Science Units is Earth Features (Rocks, Sand and Soil).  We use the FOSS Kits and the AIMs Earth Science Unit.  We started our unit investigating rocks (apparently I did not take any pictures of them doing their rock investigations)...
but they did create a 
Rocks, Sand, Soil and Silt Book
(Which consist of taking a brown piece of construction paper and three pieces of copy paper and folding it in half hamburger style and stapling...My school is heavy on students creating authentic artifacts, so we create a lot of books and mini books in my class).

We then investigated sand...

Next, we investigated soil/dirt..

Then, we created these:  Layered Book of Earth Features
This activity comes from  the AIMS Earth Science Unit
This is a great activity to work on listening skills and following directions!!!
We ended our Rocks, Soil, Sand and Silt Unit by making and eating "Dirt." 
(In  2005 I did an internet search for some ideas and came across making edible dirt...I no longer have the source for this original idea way back in 2005 so thanks to the person who posted this idea years ago for making dirt.  I have been doing this activity way before Pinterest came along...therefore I have not infringed on anyone's  ideas).
I followed the directions for making 1 box of jello chocolate pudding.  I made 4 packs of jello chocolate pudding, which I probably only needed two boxes, because I had a lot left over.  I then added the whipped cream and mixed well.  I alternated between the layers of pudding and crushed cookies.  The adorned the top with the gummy worms and WALLAH...Edible dirt!! Yummy!!
I gave each student one Oreo cookie in a baggie to crush for their topsoil.  They were so excited!  Of course I forgot to take pictures of the students enjoying their dirt.  By the way it was very good!!

Well, I'm off  to wrap up my grading and finalize my report cards!!
Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kohl's Cares & Pop-Up Big Books

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in blogland!!  Enjoy your special day!!

Don't you just love the Kohl's Cares series.  I have been stalking visiting there website daily wondering when the new series would be out. Well they now have a new set of books and plush.
This set is The Pout-Pout Fish and The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark by Deborah Diesen 
pictures by Dan Hanna
The Pout-Pout Fish is a fun, rhyming picture book about a gloomy fish who discovers that being glum isn't really his destiny.
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark...Mr. Fish wants to help his friend Ms. Clam when she loses her pearl, but though he’s fast as a sailfish, as smart as dolphin, and as strong as a shark, Mr. Fish has a secret: he’s scared of the dark! Mr. Fish learns that the power of friendship will light the way through the big-big dark.

Aren't they just adorable!!
If your Kohl's is like mine they will fly off the shelves once all the teachers get their hands on them.  So if you are an avid collector like me you may want to make a visit to your local Kohls and get your set!!

Another great find that I discovered was a set of Pop-Up Big Books from Sam's Club.  I couldn't believe it when I saw them and had to grab them up.
They are only $9.88 each! Each book has a fun-filled adventure, with charming colorful pop-ups, and an entertaining, rhyming story...and did I mention they are big books!!


I love the vibrant colors and illustrations.  I can't wait to create some fun activities to go along with in these wonderful books.

Well I wanted to take a moment to share some of my great finds this week.
Have a Sensational Sunday and Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Sale!!!

I appreciate each and every one of my followers and thank you for taking the time to read my blog. So in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week I am having a 50% off sale in my TN store to run all week long. Teachers Notebook is giving an additional 10%.  If you have been eyeing something, now's the time to get!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May Currently!!!

Is it just me or does time seem to be flying zooming by?  Can you believe it is already May? It seems like I just did the April Currently!  I am linking up again with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her... 
Monthly Currently

I am listening to Scandal as I type this.  This is my show-I cannot believe that I fell asleep on Thursday and missed it-so I had to watch it On Demand...I must have been very tired!

Don't get me wrong...I love teaching...but right now I am loving even more the fact that I only have 20 days left until my summer VACATION begins.  I am seriously in countdown mode!!

I know that advancing my education is a great thing...but I am thinking that I can't wait until I am done.  I have been working nonstop since I started on my Master's in Administration and Supervision last February(2012).  Each week there is some kind of project or paper is KILLING draining me...this is why I have no extra time to blog or create new items for my class or TN store the way that I want to.

I am so wanting to be able to sleep in, lounge around the house, BBQ, hop in the car and head to Myrtle Beach or Virginia Beach, and just hang out with my family and friends.

Some of my kiddos are out of control...I am needing to keep my sanity these last few days of school.  Does anyone else have those students that are ODD and ADHD?  Well, I have two that are just trying my patience and working my nerves to no end!!  

So needless to say my Summer Bucket List is not very long at all.  I plan to 1. Relax-it will be a drama/stress free summer. 2. Have fun all summer long.  3. Create new and fun common core products for my classroom and TN store.  4. Relax some more!!!

Now it's your turn...Head on over to Farley's blog and link up!

Have a Superb Saturday!