Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Made Over Lamp Shades and a Freebie from my Western Theme...

Happy Terrific Tuesday everyone! I was trying to link up yesterday to get in on Monday Made It this week, but my camera did not want to cooperate-it died as I was uploading the pictures and of course I didn't have anymore batteries-my before picture was lost in the madness!!  Oh well, maybe next time.  Well anyway I will share what I made today.  I have had these lamps forever but I needed new lamp shades for them.  I was able to find the lamp shades for $1.99 each-I love clearance items and so does my pocketbook.

I jazzed them up a little by adding my bandana print fabric...
I think I will add red or blue binding at the top and bottom of the shade to make it POP!
I actually found denim binding. Here are the updated lamps...

I can't wait to go to my classroom on Thursday and continue working in my room. I will  start posting pics of completed areas.

I saw this cute idea on Pinterest:
I created my own wanted sign and will place it in the bag along with a (western back to school packet) with the twine wrapped around it and the badge. This will be on their desk on the first day of school.  They will write about why school is important and this will become part of the hallway display. Click on the picture if you would like a copy...
Here is another adorable idea...
My creation:
Now I must go and watch The Godfather II on AMC!! Yes! I am into Mob movies.  The Godfather Trilogy are my all time favorite movies. See Ya!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some Great Giveaways...

There are some great giveaways going on in blogland!! Stop by these wonderful ladies blogs and enter for a chance to win some great prizes

First up is Michelle over at Mrs. G's Kindergarten in HEELS

Next is Kathy over at Kathy's Coordinated Class

Finally Louanne over at My Kindergarten Kids
Go get in on the fun!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, Target, and Walmart Shopping Sprees and Another Blog Award

I just linked up (7-31-12) with Kristen over at Ladybug's Teacher Files for a Summer Shopping Linky Party!! Now you know we all love to shop!!!
Good morning Bloggy Friends! Well I have been busy shopping for the upcoming school year.  I was wondering where I was going to find all the cute things that I would need to transform my room into my version of the wild west. I was starting to feel bummed about choosing a western theme because I really couldn't find anything to go with it and did not like a lot of the bulletin board sets.  Well I hit the JACKPOT when I went to Hobby Lobby.  Now I know what all the bloggy guru's mean when they were feenin obsessing over HL!! It is now officially my go to store. (Don't worry Target I still love you!!) Anywho!! 
Here are some of the great finds I was able to snag:
First Stop Hobby Lobby
I am using the bandana print border from CD so these will be perfect! : )
Aren't these just adorable!  Love the little purses!! Will my little sweeties not 
love them?  I will use these for "Meet the Teacher" Day.
Sheriff badges, cowbell, and little wooden plagues to make pointers with.
Scrap-booking paper-I might create a cute clipboard!! 
Paper plates to make my rules with,  cute bowls and trays (two in a pack).
Western picture frame, wooden barrel, and containers. I love it!!
How cute are these? I'm mad that they were out of the cowgirl pattern.
They came from Joann's Fabrics. My daughter will paint them for me!
Denim and bandana print fabric and ribbon (all of it was on sale)!
 Oh!! The spray bottle is to make my curtains flame retardant
(I had to take my curtains down last year!!).

Second Stop Dollar Tree
6 Baskets for my centers, little containers and educational sticker charts, and
magnetic vowels.

The crayons came from Toy's R Us 4 for a $1! I purchased 24. I like to have them on
their desks on the first day of school. I save the ones they bring for after the new year.
Next Stop Target
Dr. Seuss Items. I also got some of the blue pocket charts and the Star Student Seat Cover.
Final Stop Walmart
25 Pencil Pouches for my Communication Binders, duct tape, the big
 container will be for my clipboards and last but not least from the
 88 cent corner, speech bubble accents.

Insert "Joker" like grin here!! I am like a kid at Christmas!! Now I am motivated to work on all of my projects to get my room finished.  Hopefully I can get in there next week!!!  Stay tuned...
Oh yeah, before I forget!!! I received my third blog award this week!!! I always wondered how bloggers got this one...
Thanks to  Karmen  at  Karmen's Kinders of Room 103 
Go on over and check out her blog!!!

For receiving this award I will need to...

1. Follow the person who gave me the award... check!

2. Link back to the person that gave me the award... check!

3. Pass to 15 (I'm doing 6 for now) new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award... check!!

So I am passing this wonderful award to the following blogs:

Leading and Reading

Mrs. H.


Spotted in First Grade

Classroom Couture

Go check out these amazing blogs!!
I'll be back soon to share some of the things I create! See Ya!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Favorite Alphabet Books, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Theme Pack, and two Freebies...

I cannot believe how quickly my summer is coming to an end!! I have exactly 19 days left of summer vacay! Noooooooo! I really need to get moving. I have the ideas in my head I just have not started any of my projects.  Anyone else in the same boat? 
I always begin the year with a quick review of the alphabet to gauge who knows their letters and sounds.  What better way to do this than with a read-a-loud! One of my all time favorites is....  Drum roll please... You guessed it...

When I first started teaching I had a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom theme in my classroom.  That is how I got started into creating themes in my classroom.  So of course I had to create a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Theme Pack.  Sure wish I would have had this pack when I first started out.  You can check it out at my TN store by clicking on the picture:

I also created a Communication Binder cover also uploaded to my TN store:
Another favorite is:
Look at these goodies that I found to go along with this cute book. Kerri over at Teacher Bits and Bobs has the cutest alphabet mystery puzzles pack that will go great with this book check it out at her TPT store:
I also found this Alphabet Mystery Box game from Lakeshore:
Both of these items are in my shopping cart at both stores. What a great alphabet mini unit this will make and will be such a fun way to review the alphabet.

I also like to have my students practice their handwriting skills.  So I created a Now I Know My ABC's Handwriting Practice book.  This is also at my TN store:

Here are some other great alphabet book read alouds:
Here are two freebies for my bloggy friends:
The first is a Meet the Teacher Treat Topper.
Check out my TN store for other treat Toppers in different themes.

The next freebie is an Alphabet Chart

What are some of your alphabet book favorites? How do you review the alphabet in your classroom? Share some of the things you do! Well I gotta go! See you tomorrow!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop

I am really loving this blogging thing, so I am linking up with Janis over at Grade Three is the Place for Me.  She is hosting a blog hop for newbie bloggers!! I just had to join the fun!!  This is such a great way for new bloggers to network and get to know who else is out there.  
Here are the questions and my answers: 

What state are you in? 
I am in South Carolina.

Your current teaching position?
I teach first grade.

Your teaching experience?
This is my tenth year teaching, nine of which have been in 1st grade and one year in second.

When did you start blogging?
I just start blogging July 2012.

Share a blogging tip/blogging resource.
I could not figure why my labels were not showing up. Labels are used to help blog visitors easily find a topic.  So I went to the help menu and typed in labels and it explained how to do it.  When you are creating a new post-look on the right hand side you will see post settings-labels is the first menu option click on it and type it what you your topic was for your blog etc.  For example, if I am posting about writing then I will type in "writing" in the label section-easy right.  Well I just learned how to do it today!!  ;  )

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

ClassroomTheme, Communication Binder, Ladybug Theme Packet Freebie and Another Award...

I will be doing a Western Theme in my classroom this school year, as I stated in my very first post.  I have been busy creating some theme printables and trying to decide which Communication Binder acronym to use.  I created a S.H.E.R.I.F.F (Students Have Everything Ready in Fabulous First-Grade) Book, and started the W.E.S.T.E.R.N. (Weekly & Everyday Skills To Easily Review Notes), and there is still the H.O.R.S.E. (Happy and Organized Ready Students Everyday) and the R.O.D.E.O. (Really Organized Details Everyday & Ongoing) Books.  I will make one of each and which ever one I like the best will be the one I use.  I also made a M.O.N.K.E.Y. Book, in honor of my old theme.  (I am finding it so hard to let go of my Monkey/Jungle theme.)  These printables are powerpoint documents and are editable so you can type whatever information you need in each. I have uploaded the S.H.E.R.I.F.F & M.O.N.K.E.Y. Book Covers to my TN store:

I will also be creating other theme packets.  The first theme packet that I have created is a Ladybug Theme.  This is also in my TN store as a freebie:



I have also received my 2nd Award!! Can you believe it? This time it is the Liebster Award!! From two three different bloggers at that!!
Thank you so much, Holly over at Fourth Grade FlipperKelly over at An Apple For the Teacher and Mrs. H. over at Just a Primary Girl.  

This award is named for the German word "Liebster," which translates to "beloved" or "favourite", and is given to a "new, up and coming blogger."

Here are the rules:
1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you. Post the award to your blog.
3.  Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers
4.  Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
I am giving the award to:

Now I am off to write a paper for my graduate class.  Always so much to do and so little time!!
Be back soon!